Include this trip as one of your active travel style vacations close to home.

Come spend a week hiking Newfoundland’s wild and wonderful Great Northern Peninsula, home to two UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This is a land of untamed seas, soaring mountains, freshwater fjords, rocky shorelines and small villages. No Starbucks here!

The Widest Variety of Hikes

This tour features a multitude of hiking environments – hugging the wild coast, following meandering rivers, crossing natural wetlands, even climbing soaring mountains. This place is rugged and wild, and many of its treasures can only be seen on foot.

World Heritage Treasures

There are only 20 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Canada, and this tour visits two of them: one renowned for its geological importance, the other representing great cultural and historic significance.


UNESCO World Heritage Site #1

The Tablelands of Gros Morne National Park are considered the most significant geological formation in Canada. In its designation, UNESCO said: “The park provides a rare example of the process of continental drift, where the deep ocean crust and the rocks of the earth’s mantle lie exposed.”

UNESCO World Heritage Site #2

While popular history suggests Christopher Columbus was the first European to visit North America, the L’Anse aux Meadows archeological site is proof positive that the Vikings were living and working in Newfoundland hundreds of years earlier.

Western Brook Pond

The simple name does not prepare visitors for the jaw-dropping reality. Western Brook Pond is a massive fresh-water fjord lodged between soaring peaks in a pristine setting. In recent years, it has become the most Instagrammed photo in Newfoundland.

Port au Choix Historic Sites

It’s important to remember that long before the Vikings arrived, there were thriving communities populated by the Maritime Archaic people, the Dorset people, the Groswater people and more recent indigenous peoples on the Great Northern Peninsula.


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